Train Station
Kittanning Train Station Restoration Project
Many of our historical structures have been destroyed and are gone forever. Kittanning has a chance to save two of the most iconic structures of their community. Towns all across America have redeveloped their train stations into something unique, and we hope to develop something truly special for our community. Please help save our history before we lose it forever!
After both structures are restored and secured from continued deterioration, our organization plans to lease one or both buildings for future economic development. We hope to bring people, jobs and other resources to Kittanning as a result of this redevelopment effort.
Potential uses could be a brewery, recreational outfitter, facilities for tourism development and trail amenities. We hope to develop an historic district for Kittanning with the train station and museum properties as the catalyst for this effort.
The future development of the train station property will be a major boost in tourism for Armstrong County. Kittanning can become a major stop along Armstrong Trails. We hope to develop attractions and needs for trail users to bring recreational tourists from all over to Kittanning and Armstrong County.
- HISTORICAL - Kittanning passenger and freight station buildings were erected in 1895. our goal is to have both structures placed on the national register of historic places.
- ARTS AND CULTURE - We have secured enough property to have a beautiful venue for concerts, festivals, markets and specialty events for the community.
- EDUCATION - We will focus on education through historical markers, programs, reenactments and events that will help keep our history alive!